5 Days in May

This was a good week. Started with a decisive victory by my ball hockey team. I scored a neat goal on a cross-court tip-in to seal the win. 

Thursday marked the return of songwriter night at Gravity after a 5-month COVID hiatus. I was a little nervous to brush off the cobwebs. In the brief period we were back hosting events (somewhere between wave 3 and 5) I was having a really hard time finding guests to join me, so I'm happy to say we started back on a very very high note. I was joined on stage by Graham Ko and Max Mann. The night we pieced together was stellar, the songwriting was strong, and the audience was with us the entire night. It felt really good to be back.  

The good times kept rolling into the weekend when I had a chance to attend the East Town Get Down music festival. I spent Saturday evening on International Avenue trekking between sets and venues. I loved the different spaces where live music was happening. There's something intriguing to me about how a space shapes the music. It was certainly proved this weekend that you can totally push the chairs aside and have a show in a Vietnamese restaurant. 

I'm always reaffirmed that community is integral to happiness. Whether it's the hockey team playing hard for the win, a round of songwriters engrossing the audience, or a few hundred like-minded music fans excitedly scurrying form show to show, we are here together. I don't think there's anything more important. As an incredibly shy and unassuming person there were moments this week I felt on the outside of what was going on. More of an observer than a participant. I'm going to try and work on that. Regardless I'm excited about the depth of Calgary's music scene and everything here I've got left to explore.  



Ps. Let's go Oilers!